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With an array of different health benefits, from improving the clarity of the mind to weight management and boosting the metabolic system, Green Tea is a master at overall health.


Coined the 'Queen of Flowers', Jasmine buds are also added to this aromatic blend to increase the brain capabilities and promote cognitive health, concentration and memory retention.


Able to improve brain function and clear the fog noticeable after a long day, our Clarity Chai with the help of the other many different arrays of beneficial herbs and spices within this blend will instantly lighten your mind, body and Soul, helping you to seek your higher, better self on a daily basis.


Follow us on instagram and facebook @evolvatea for updates, Spirituality and health posts.


"Our Spirituality connects with authenticity. Your health is our health."


Ingredients: (All Ingredients listed is Organic) Jasmine Green Tea, Roasted Jasmine Flowers, Root, Ginger, Cardamom, Cloves, Aniseed, Licorice Root, Fennel Seed, Bay Leaf, Cinnamon, Star Anise and Peppermint.


Weight: 50 grams.

Clarity Chai

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